Can Premiere Pro import MKV?


As a professional video editor, you probably have to convert some video files from time to time. For example, if you’re working with Adobe Premiere Pro CC and need to import MKV into it, this article will show you how.

What is MKV?

MKV is a popular container format and can hold any type of media. It can contain multiple video, audio, and subtitle streams and also metadata for chapters, descriptions, etc. It's also the most popular file format for Blu-ray rips.

One of the reasons it's so popular is because it allows you to put together all your favorite parts from different movies into one file that plays like a movie itself without having to worry about incompatibilities with other players.

Why Adobe Premiere Pro can’t natively open MKV?

Adobe Premiere Pro can't open MKV without a plugin, but there is a workaround.

Why Adobe Premiere Pro can't natively open MKV? Because it comes with its own proprietary video codecs (H.264). Without these codecs, you won’t be able to import the media file into Adobe Premiere Pro and edit them. And since Adobe doesn’t want to pay royalties for H.264, they decided not to include any support for it into their software package.

There are many reasons why most users prefer using paid apps like Adobe Premiere Pro instead of free ones: better performance, frequent updates and support from developers if something goes wrong etc., but one thing that all paid programs have in common is that they don't work without plugins installed on your computer system (ie Photoshop can't display images unless you install Adobe's plugin). So this issue could be easily resolved by simply downloading an additional plugin designed specifically for opening your favourite video format - like MKV files!

How to import MKV to Adobe Premiere Pro?

To import MKV to Adobe Premiere Pro, you need a third-party program that can help you convert MKV to Premiere Pro friendly formats. If the program is able to convert MKV files, then you have no problem of importing them into Premiere Pro.

You can use EZvid to convert your MKV file into one of the formats supported by Premiere Pro such as AVI or MOV so that you can easily import it later on with just a few clicks of your mouse button.

In addition, EZvid also allows users to preserve their original video quality while converting it into another format and offers various output settings as well so they get what they want out of their video output in terms of resolution, bit rate and frame rate among many others things

Workaround to import MKV files into Adobe Premiere Pro

If you want to use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit your MKV files, the first step is to convert them. You can do this with a third-party app like VLC or Handbrake.

Once you’ve converted your MKV file into another format (like MP4), you’ll be able to import it into Adobe Premiere Pro and edit it.


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